This is a shot of Old Main at Penn State University that was taken a couple summers ago. I thought I'd share this as my "from the vault" shot of the day as I was thinking about my two girls....11 and 7 and hoping they continue to do well in school and continue to WANT to do well. They both have great dreams about making something of themselves and have talked about wanting to go to college. I know it is a way off but I also know it will be here in the blink of an eye. I want to do everything in my power to encourage them and support them in everyway I can. I hope their vision and dreams dont fade or waver as they grow into teens but only becomes stronger. I hope they can learn from others mistakes and take a different path for themselves and recognize with hard work good things can happen and that success does not come easy or cheap. I do not consider myself financially successful however I feel very successful as an artist, a musician, a father, a husband, a son and a brother as well as a friend to others and recognize I am not perfect. I read a friends blog recently about being fearless and I have to admit that I was and still am at times, afraid to take risks in my artistic and personal endeavors, but with support and encouragement I tried whenever possible. I feel I am a fairly successful artist and photographer based on my own definition of success, however I constantly try to do better not knowing what kind of payload I may find in the end. I feel I have reached many personal goals as a musician back in the day recording two CD's, playing so many clubs I cant remember and meeting so many cool people along the way. True, I never found "fame and fortune" as some would define, but I enjoyed myself and left a small print i think. I want to quote a great friend of mine and include a link to his blog as well. I know this guy and his family and his past well, and I believe, we have a lot in common. So...this is taken from my friend Gary L. most recent blog on being fearless "Worrying about the past is the biggest waste of time I can think of. Worry about the future runs a close second. It is also the biggest misuse of our creative powers that I can think of". Thanks to Gary and all those in my life who have inspired me to be creative. So to all you other photogs, artists, musicians, friends and whoever...Believe in yourself and your purpose....If your not sure, like I am so many times.....Just ask the man upstairs for guidance...HE may not take you down the road YOU want to go down, but let go of your fears and have faith....
check out my friends blog...Being fearless Oh Yeah...and I am off to shoot Athens basketball SPLITTING migraine has subsided....hopefully I'll sleep tonight...
Louie, I'm glad you liked my blog and thanks for passing it on! I'm sure your creative efforts, past, current and future will continue to leave a "print”. Never stop "giving us what you've got".