Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Love, Insanity and the Castle on the Hill

Ever since my friend Andy had got me hooked on this new HDR thing, I have been excited and thrilled to create art using my photography as well as my paint and pens. I love the fact I can capture a photo in its natural state or, using HDR and software, create a piece resembing a painting or fairytale image. I also love the fact that photography is not something that is bound only to stuffy studios or limited to portraiture or weddings or even sports. I have learned mostly this summer from several adventures, including my trip to Wyoming and Yellostone, that photography is a lasting legacy of journey's and adventures. Speaking of adventures, I have recently been introduced to the sport of urbexing. Let me tell you, it is indeed a sport. I have found myself hiking, running, ducking, crawling, tip-toeing or climbing in some of the most unfriendly and sometimes unstable environments. But, Wow, what an adreneline rush. One of my latest adventures was a trip to this abandoned castle that Andy had visited previously. He had told me stories of his shoots there in the past and described this castle as something out of a fairytale book from the brothers Grimm. He described the surreal sense of the  place as well as its tragic history and how awesome it was to actually be there and witness this place first hand. I remember thinking, "yeah...that sounds cool" and telling him I'd like to go see it sometime. Well that sometime was last week. Andy picked me up at 9 a.m. and we headed several hours East until we found the location to make our dash up the hill to the castle. I could see it through the trees at the top of a 40 yard steep hill. The first thing I saw were the turrets and the amazing stonework. When I reached the top I think my jaw hit the ground when I saw the entire castle. 
Dudas Castle
 I couldn't believe my eyes.....holy crap, wow, where am I? I felt like I had been teleported back to 1890.  This was so cool. Since Andy had been here before he knew right where to sprint to so we would not be detected. We ran around back through a large stone archway into a huge courtyard out back surrounded by at least 12' stone walls and into an open door which led to what must have been a kitchen at one time. This is where we carefully decided on our game plan.

The place smelled of the ages, but not too bad. A little musty, dusty and mold. I was in awe immediately of the tilework and woodwork I saw, including the massive carved arch doors. I was very pleased to see that vandals and taggers had not been too cruel to this truly magnificent place. I saw a only a few tags but most of the windows were broken or missing. I imagined that sitting over 100 years, the windows probably succumbed to the elements rather than vandals, but, who knows. The light coming in through the open windows made for some very cool shots however. We spent a couple hours exploring all three floors, the nooks and crannies and neat rooms. Most of the rooms had very ornate and massive stone and marble fireplaces. The spiral staircases leading to the second and third floors were very nice Italian marble still in pristine condition. Apparantly the castle was ahead of its time and was one of the first places in the area to have electricity and steam radiators. I found the electrical outlets and switches very unique and something that I have never seen before. The colors on the wall were still quite vibrant but the paint in many spots was chipping and pealing
which certainly added more character to this old grand castle which was coverted from a late 1800s lodge to the completed castle in 1924. The history of the castle is as unique as its design and structure. The castle boasts a house, a bailey, a curtain wall and a folly resembling a barbican. The Castle had 36 rooms and the ornate fireplace in the main reception room was once covered in gold leaf and is said to have been valued at $5000 in 1910. We spent much time exlploring each room, the many bathrooms, sitting rooms, bedrooms and such. Peering through the arched windows to the view outside into the courtyard
was breathtaking and I couldn't help to imagine what the view must have been like back when it must have been neatly manicured with shrubs and trees. It is now quite overgrown with vines and other weeds. We decided it was about time to leave to explore our second location. So it was back down the beautiful Italian marble spiral staircases and back outside. We had to take a few more shots of the  stunning exterior of the place. 

View from the courtyard looking at back of castle

 I want to thank my friend Andy for inspiring me and helping hone my HDR skills and for including me in such cool and inspiring adventures. This is one adventure that I will not soon forget and hope to get back sometime in the near future to get some new shots. All of these photos can be purchased in stunning metal prints at my website www.machiiiphoto.com
 Stay tuned for further adventures !!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Bison.... At the end of day

Bison at end of day by Louis Q
Bison at end of day, a photo by Louis Q on Flickr.
The week I shared in Yellowstone National Park with my good friend Gary was fantastic. Not only was I able to capture wonderful photographic images to share, but I was able to reflect on many aspects of my life... past, present and future. What started out as a collaboritive effort to create a motivational and inspirational book, ended up being a personal journey for me. Having reached several personal milestones in my life, including the most rewarding, having my two wonderful daughters and getting married to my wife, I truly feel blessed. I feel I have accomplished much as an artist, a musician and am just venturing into becoming a serious photographer. I think the main thing that comes to mind after this experience is humility and sharing. I feel all artists have a starting point, so whether you are a novice at your interest or a seasoned professional, there is always room to learn, but more importantly, to teach. I am more aware at this point of how short and fragile life can be and that life as we know it can be rocked out of control in an instant. What you leave to others in this life is your legacy. You can not take all the skills, talents, tricks, cool photo-spots, techniques, etc..... with you when you go. It is important to share your knowledge with others, especially the young interested minds. We should work together with fellow artisians. We should teach, inspire, share and praise others work at any level. We should strive to push ourselves to be the best we can be and learn from others success as an inspiration to work harder to be the best rather than to give in and quit. I am excited about working on this book project with my friend Gary, but I am more excited about being able to share it with others in the hopes they may find motivation, hope and strength to be themselves. I hope the photos in the book and what I have posted so far on facebook and my website are pleasing and enjoyable to view. I am thankful for the many artists and photographers who are willing to share their knowledge with me.