Tuesday, January 11, 2011

361/365 and a rant of sorts

Originally uploaded by Louis Q
This shot of an old run down farm house was number 361 of my 365 project last year. I want to thank my friend Andy W. for giving me some basic instruction on HDR photography. I hope to continue to improve my skills in the area of HDR and overall photogaphy skills in general over the next year and more.
What started out as a part time freelance gig 6 years ago with the local sports newspaper has become a great outlet for my creativity and has grown into quiet a passion. My creative outlets over the years have included pen and ink drawing, playing guitar in numerous bands and recording, working with adolescents in therapy using "outside the box" interventions, home interior on a personal level...i love moving things around.
But this, by far, has been one of the most rewarding outlets for me for many reasons. I get to enjoy solitude and just going out into the field alone where nobody can bother me, I don't have to deal with others opinions or input like the band years, I can create a nice piece of art that doesnt take weeks like the pen and ink drawing did, I can gain access to see many cool events and sports, I can make some extra pocket change which is very cool too, and it is something I can pass along to others including my own kids who seem to have a creative flair as well. I enjoy helping others create and share memories of their lifetime as well.

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